Jayson Randall
Innovative Art and Sound

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Talk to Me

This collaboration between Jayson Randall and Emily Dzieweczynski was created for CollabArts Vol.2 at the Praxis Gallery in Minneapolis, December 2019.

Talk to Me is an experimental artwork which explores empathy while altering the perception of time and place through the use of historic photographs combined with binaural sounds and unique lighting patterns.

The display features three 12x18 digitally enhanced photographs mounted in a custom-built illuminated frame.
Hidden aspects of the photos are revealed as the LED lights, inside the frame, change color.

The interactive experience is enhanced by the use of binaural sounds which allow an immersion into the forgotten life that once existed in the photos.

Overall size: 23"H x 45"W x 2"D
Historic photos used courtesy of Hennepin County Library.

Private collection

Please contact us for more information.